Wednesday, May 25, 2011


When someone says Madurai, naturally everyone thinks of the Meenakshi temple, but as we discovered there is more to the place. We decided to go to Madurai , just to pay respects to the goddess. We had no reservations and we were like we'll just crash in any old place . We had'nt realised that Madurai had grown and is a major town now. boy were we in for a surprise !

Madurai as we found out was the third largest city in Tamil Nadu ( but that does not mean that any of them will talk to you in English , though they can speak Queen's English). We (again) were in a time crunch , so we were like we'll visit the temple nothing else. We did just that but the goddess had other plans for us.
We landed in Madurai , checked into a sad looking place near the main bus stand not realizing that there are decent hotels in the center of the city. We decided not to go to the Temple in the evening and decided to try out the shopping which Madurai is famous for.

Madurai is a city built around the Meenakshi temple . There are concentric lanes around the temple  dedicated to shopping . There must be at least 3 kms worth of only Gold & Silver shops around the temple . I have never seen so many shops selling only jewelery standing next to each other for kilometers together. It was amazing . But we cant really buy anything .. are you kidding me ? but there are other things you can buy , fun things . Madurai has an awesome flee market in one of the old buildings in front of the temple. You can get any brass ware imaginable ,any kind of junk jewelery, any imaginable tailoring supply, painting on cloth , beautiful clothes .. its amazing. But remember to bargain hard. Madurai is known to be the Pirated Blue Ray capital , you get every imaginable Blue Ray rip off at dirt cheap prices. There are CD shops next to the Periyar Bus stand which sell only these. Its worth it.

Around the temple is where you get the best food and tea and coffee in Madurai . Bloody cool I say ! Though the weather is hot and humid , you will enjoy the tea and 'muruku' ! There is no chat culture in the city but their local 'Sundal' is awesome. They have their own awesome ginger milk and snacks which are delicious. There is a famous place called Modern Hotel which serves the best food . Try the parota there . In T.N for some odd reason people do not eat a full meal in the evening, they eat snacks , heavy ones at that. We went to a place called Madurai Hotel, got the best damn South Indian 'thali' in the city .. Bless them !

We went to Madurai a day before the 'Subramanya Kalyana' . Since all the boards are in Tamil, we had no clue. We decided to skip the temple and visit the temple in the morning. The next day we arrive all clean and decently dressed to the temple , to be told by the police around the temple that the temple was closed for the day as Devi's Son was getting married, she was being taken there to bless the couple. In all my life , I had never heard that Subramanya was married ( I donno if anyone else knows that) . So what to do now , after moping around a little we decided to follow the Devi . She was being carried to a Subramanya temple outside town to bless the couple . It was a 'jatre' or a 'mela' . As everyone in India knows , any kind of procession is bad , that too the ones involving the gods are to be avoided , due to the sheer crush of it all . We were like its ok lets go , took a bus to the temple on the outskirts and we plunged right into the crowd. The temple was older than the Devi temple so you can imagine ,the crowd, the fumes of the Kalyanam and the bats in the temple was like aaaaaaaaa ... but we bribed our way into the shrine , got that Darshan (yey!) and came back in a crowded bus . Adventure of the day done .

We traveled only in the buses and the local shared autos in the city , they are cheap and well connected. Worth it. SO the dirt, the heat and the bats .. all was worth it , but my only regret is that I dint really see the famous Madurai temple, it is an architectural master piece . There are many other places to see in Madurai , palaces, museums  but we dint have the time ,but its supposedly worth a visit :) 

Sunday, May 22, 2011


We were planning a trip to Kanyakumari for a long long time. It it work out until quite recently. We set out from Bangalore to Kanyakumari by bus , reached there in 12 hours flat . The train usually takes 20 - 24 hours that depends on your luck :) 

The place itself is so so small, the southern tip of India is a charming little village by a fantastic beach :) that is how i would describe the place. I am not too sure how many people live there but I do know this , I saw more hotels than houses there. The place is bustling , the heat and the humidity hits you when you land there. You can see only  blue on all the three sides. 

We checked into the TTDC guest house , the rooms are decent (dont expect 5 star) and the food is good . I dont understand one thing about all these tourist places, why serve that crappy North Indian and chinese food when they dont even know how to make the dishes properly ?? I mean we have a great  cusine on our own , and people who come there should eat the local stuff not the greasy grub you come up with. Anyway the place is right on the beach and it has a great view. 

There are very few things you can do in KanyaKumari , the beach is the most obvious attraction, Vivekananda Rock is another , then there is a temple dedicated to the Goddess Kanyakumari .
Kanyakumar is surrounded by the three mighty water bodies , the Arabian Sea , the Indian ocean and the Bay of Bengal. The water is calm but there are too many rocks so the water breaks on them , good for photography but bad for getting into for swimming. It is downright dangerous. The beach is actually taken over by hawkers , selling everything under the sun , from shells to bondas and teas (which you must try they are delicious ), mirrors to spices anything you need . Let me tell you all you would need is a sun block and a lot of bottled water and sun glasses :). Do not venture out in the mornings , we had no choice since we had a time crunch , we were severely dehydrated and tanned. 

The line to get to a jetty to take you to Vivekananda rock is long and people try to sell you stuff you don't need but when you are on that jetty you feel all tingly maybe because you are on the verge of leaving the mainland , its only 500 mts into the sea but hey you did leave the main land dint you :) ... the water is blue .. really really blue. The rock is famous because Vivekananda meditated to the goddess Devi Kumari (Parvathi) here in December 1892. Devi Kumari is supposed to have meditated to Shiva here on one foot ( you can see the impression of her foot on the rock ). They sell all the works of Vivekananda here . There is a famous Tamil poet - Thiruvalluvar statue right next to the rock. 

The Temple in Kanyakumari is dedicated to the goddess  Devi Kumari and she was supposed to be the most richest goddess until the Portuguese came into town . They say that the diamond in her nose pin was so huge and cut so brilliantly that it used to shine like the sun when the night fell and it used to guide the sailors to shore.  And no you cant see it today ... 

The highlight of out visit was the sunrise, that part is out of the world. It is usually after 6 , we made sure that we were on time. The entire sky is like an orange flame which slowly turns golden , beautiful , mind blowing!! The water looks as if it is on fire and the sun in a red ball slowly coming out of the shadows!! This is one thing that should not be missed.

Shopping in Kanyakumari  is like shopping for souvenirs thats all , you get great shell art and remember to bargain like crazy. 

There are a few palaces and forts scattered around the place we dint have the time to explore but since it is a small place it does not take long to get somewhere , the taxis and the autos con you so be careful when you travel 

All in all it is a great visit, its ok to spend a couple of days looking around , it still has the small town charm so its all good !

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I was just tired ... really tired of Bangalore.... so when we got a chance to take off , we were like pondiiiiiiiiii.... 
Pondicherry or Puducheri as it is known as in Tamil is a small tiny kutti little place 200 kms off of Chennai... It is a Union territory ... all that means is ,that alcohol and petrol is cheaper there :P ...

It was not like we had'nt been to pondicherry before ... it was just that I have always loved the little place to distraction. It was a French colony till the the 1974 :O ....... But the French did a good number of the place .. . it is absolutely charming ... 

The entire city is divided into 2 parts-  The French Quarter and the Tamil Quarter. And as you guessed it , the French Quarter is the place to be ........... The place is a as big as the MG road and Brigade Road put together...All the roads are built perpendicular to each other.... The french quarter place is right next to the sea and the main road is called as the MG Road which runs right next to the sea. The beach is not huge , there are huge boulders to keep the sea out as it is very rough , but the place is charming , small vendors come out in th evening to hawk their wares .. its the usual beach stuff ... balloons .. chats etc ...[takes you back :)] The breeze is brilliant and the hotels and the art gallerias are brilliant ... 

We stayed at the Dumas Guest house which is a huge, beautiful and old 17th century house. The owners let out 7 rooms , everything is nominally priced at 1500 Rs.They do not serve food , but they offer to get the alcohol for cheap :P ... The rooms are huge and beautifully decorated with AC... The rooms are surrounded by house plants of every variety.. Since the place is humid all the beautiful flowers bloom .... right outside the door... The only draw back , no TV or Radio .... but you wont mind that at all ... its peaceful ......

There is a Hi design Hotel in Pondicherry right in front of the beach ....Its a beautiful hotel made of wood and glass and has a beautiful rooftop lounge .. they serve awesome food and drinks... Another favorite is La Pondicherry ... lovely lovely lovely cocktails and awesome food .... have always loved that place .... :)

We decided to skip the tourist spots in pondicherry and do something different this time ..... so we went Antique hunting ... Pondi is known for the its antiques .. People buy old stuff - doors,chiars ,tables,boxes,cupboards anything... off of the local villagers and restore them ... man !! those old things are just lovely ... everything is too highly priced and exported. I had my heart set on a couple of them but they were too expensive :( ... and the transportation cost extra ... but none the less very very beautiful...

Then we decided to hit the beach .. but the beach on the outskirts of pondicherry ......... :) .. parallel to the sea ,on the east coast road which leads to the pondicherry city , there are a number of small villages , usually fishermen villages ... lovely ... we decided to go to one of them ... worth it .... the sea is very rough ... we can't get in but the place was awesome ... to take in the breeze .. children playing carrom :) ... fishermen folk lounging around ... charming ...

We like the Aurobindo Ashram , not for the meditation stuff , but for the stuff you can buy ... beautiful ceramics and handicrafts can be bought at the Ashram store.... We also love the Ashram cafe on the way to the Ashram ... its a peaceful place where you can put your legs up and sip your tea and eat almond biscotti ....
Pondicherry is also famous for pottery ....... you would not believe the stuff you can get there ... decorations to lamps to crazy stuff ... :) ... The place is also known for export quality clothes , the ones before they put a lable ... they are cheeeeeeaaaaaap........

Just for kicks we went to this place called Chocola , its in the tamil quarter of the city , we were told that you get exquisite Belgian Chocolates there , boy were they right , awesome chocolates ... quirky ones to just melt in your mouth ... just divine .... 

Then it was time to head back :( ... we drove from Pondicherry to Bangalore via Tiruvannamali in 8 hours !! But a  hatke trip .. we dint do any toristy stuff .. just exploring ... 

Sun [lots of it]... Sand and Culture !! 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


We decided to go away for the weekend .... but we dint know where :) [usual case] .. then the idea struck . Yercaud!!
Its not far away, its gonna be nice and cool and we can drive .... So off we went.

Yercaud is a hill station in Tamil Nadu , near Selem . Its around 230 Kms from Bangalore [Not too far] ...
We set off early from bangalore , we hit the NH7 and drove via hosur,Krishnagiri,Dharmapuri then to Selem .. It took us around 4 hours ... and n
We stopped for some refreshements in Selem , no Darshini concept in TN ... so had to go to some fancy looking place with fancy prices ...

We set off from Selem to Yercaud , its a steep drive up into the clouds and it has 14 hairpin turns :) .... Naveen enjoyed it .. what he dint enjoy was the
traffic jam on the way to the top :P ... traffic stood still for around 30 mins because some hot shot got stuck in a hairpin ...

We finally reached the top and we looked around ... a commercialized hill station but still pretty .. we could see that it was very small .....
There was a huge lake in the center ... and a lot of mini shops on its banks .. all of them selling yummy food !! But it was not that cold.. :(
We decided to just go to our hotel "The Grand Palace". Its a decent place , but over priced but at least clean!!

In the evening we decided to explore the place but the dusk fell quickly :( and we were kinda surprised as to how quickly it got dark ,
we went near the lake since that seemed to be the place for action ... even the shops were beginning to close and it was just 7 PM :(
We just went back to the hotel , but it was decidedly chilly and cold now ... very very cold !!

The next day we went around the place , we went beyond the lake and we saw only beautiful orange orchards and coffee plantations ... breathtaking cliffs ...
There is a famous Servarayan temple and a Devi temple ... we climbed and climbed and we reached the top of the hills and there was a view point ...
it was a picnic point with fantastic views and a park for children !!

There are fantastic trekking trails there it seems , but we dint have the time to try them as we had to get back ....
overall its a nice pleasant place , don't expect excitement , its just a place to visit once  !!
The views are spectacular and if you want to experience the off season chill , just go to yercaud!!

More info :

Friday, April 30, 2010

Orange County - Coorg!!

We were getting married in August and we were at loss, as to where to go for our honeymoon.
Its the rainy season, it'll wet and slushy all over.
Then we decided , if we are getting wet, lets do it in style :) ........
We decided to go to Orange County - Coorg!!
Its a breathtaking place, expensive but worth it !!

We left for KushalNagar in the morning, reached there by afternoon, we went to the usual Tebitian Temple visit..
I love the place though , maybe for all the cool stuff we get there ... shopping basically.
Anyone who goes there should pick up the dolls there , they are exquisite..
After the shopping , we were kinda stuck , Orange county is in Siddapura, almost 50 KMs from Kushalnagar!! ...
An auto driver decided that he'll be brave enough ferry us till there, in the driving rain and bad roads.
We could'nt help but notice that, our bumpy ride offered some fantastic views :) ... and a very entertaining auto driver...

We paid the auto guy almost 400 bucks and reached Orange County! ... What a place ... What a place ...
We were welcomed in style , It was Onam , so the place was decked up in Kerela Decorations...
THe place is an Eco Resort, basically what it meant was that , we could'nt be messy and throw plastic and paper about...
It is a throughly beautiful place, in between the Coffee Plantations [whihc coorg is particularly famous for] ....
The area is so vast that , the resort is evenly spaced out and beautifully thought out..
There is a huge lake in between the resort and there is boating, in good weather..
There are activity centers, they organise treks and bicycle rides.
There are three restaurents, each serving a different cuisine.. Italian,Indian,Continental...

The place is unbelievably romantic .. Lush greenery all around, clouds hanging low and very very beautiful rooms,cottages and villas.
We had booked a Villa with a pool, the architecture was the traditional Coorgi style.
The entire house [ yes it is huge ] , was made of eco friendly materials [wood, mud bricks] ...
The interiors are beautiful, soft and antiques everywhere.. The bathrooms are a delight ... The pool was a jacuzzi :) ... so it was FUN!!
We shared the pool with a couple a swans , for some odd these birds loved our pool and refused to go back to their lake [the villas are on the lake side]
These birds poop everywhere thats the worst part :( , but the staff is so friendly that , they dint mind coming over again
and again and cleaning after and shooing the birds..
There was activity in the evenings, folk groups performing, magic tricks , dance shows ... In the morning we could go biking, trekking , play games [indoor and out door] ...
Or just lazing around [thats the best option]

Orange County is a romantic place , imagine , soft rain pelting your windows , tea and mini biscuits , exqusite chocolates .. hot showers and a book.. Heaven..
They belive in pampering the guests, so we got a lot of free goodies ... :) , chocolates and T shirts, free Wine , Coffee Beans , Umbrellas ....
Its expensive .... BUT WORTH IT !! Its worth it for the stay , the experience , goodies , food , the service , the sheer beauty !

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Gokarna has always been my favorite holiday spot. I love the serene beauty of the place , its almost as if , its untouched ....
A number of people come every year to Gokarna , but even with all that, there is something indescribable about the place , it just draws you in, you feel like you can just live there forever.
Sitting beneath the swinging coconut trees, playing in the sea .. sipping lime juice ... just sitting and staring ... There is something infinite about the sea which has always fascinated me and when i go to Gokarna , that feeling intensifies....

Gokarna is a small town, there are exactly two roads in the town , one of which leads to an antient temple. Gokarna is famous with Hindu piligrims, its has two very famous temples , one dedicated to Lord Shiva and the other to his son Lord Ganesha. The town is a very important place for hindus in terms of the last rites to attain Moksha [salvation]. There are a number of tales connected to Gokarna , it seems to be a great hit with almost all the holy books in india , it finds reference in both Ramayana and Mahabharata. Adi Shankracharya seemed to have defeated a Sanskrit scholar here in a debate which lasted for days, finally establishing his doctrine ...

We took the bus to Gokarna, we left Bangalore at 10 PM and reached Gokarna by 8 AM. The only drawback in Gokarna are the rickshaw fellows, the fares are always beyond 100 Rs. I mean that is highway robbery, but they know that we are helpless and we will pay :( ... bikes for hire is not a concept which is very popular .. so tourists end up spending a lot of money on travel alone. This time we stayed at Gokarna International on the Kudle beach. It is'nt all that it is made out to be , it is an average place which stinks big time ! We ate at various places in Gokarna , food is not fantastic , but since it is so hot , you don't feel like eating anyways ... so it is all good !!

The ocean on one side and the western ghats on the other , Gokarna has something for everyone .. The ocean is very very very gentle , the waves aren't too rough, you can just paddle or swim out , its great fun .. There are six fantastic beaches in Gokarna - Gokarna beach,Kudle Beach,Om Beach , Half moon beach,Paradise beach and Sangam beach.
Om Beach is arguably the most popular beach,it is shaped as an Om. Half Moon is my faveroite, it is a quite beach, where most tourists don't come, the sea is really friendly and gentle , paradise is a party place ... I don't like it too much , but again it is subjective. Sangam beach is a beach which most of us have'nt visited, its a virgin stretch of sand spreading kilometers across, with no civilization in sight.
All the beaches are separated by cliffs, sometimes its a adventurous trek or it may just be a normal trek to the next beach. The easiest path is from Kudle to Om. The most arduous one would be from Om to Half moon, the most tricky one would be Paradise to Half moon.
As i said Gokarna has something for everyone, there are cheap shacks which sell interesting knick knacks or clothing, you can get anything from chains to anklets to china ...
There are water sports, but not that interesting. There are fishing boats which take you from one beach to another , I personally love them but the pricing is steep, but worth it.

There is usually an interesting mix of people there, people are friendly and I mostly think that is coz most of them are either drunk or high. It is a proper hippy place,but no one disturbs you if you want to be left alone !! Thats the best part of all.

Overall it was a fun,relaxing experience. We drank and drank and drank some more, played all the games under the sun... swam out in the ocean,trekked ... LOVE IT!!

I will go back as always ....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pics :)

Here are a few pictures , i thought were wonderful.... :) 

The entire Ramayana is etched out on the temple walls .. "Hazari Rama Temple " 

The famous Musical Pillars :) 

Carvings on the base of the Vittala Temple 

The Vittala Temple 
Hampi's Poster Pic ... the stone chariot 
The typical pillar ... a roaring lion
THe Vittala Temple Enterance
The promised Sunset
The carvings on the walls 
Actutanarayana temple 

Kadelekalu Ganesha
Virupaksha Temple .. .the main temple in the heart of the city ... dedicated to lord shiva

Shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Trinkets 
Some random ruins on the river bank